
Improve your development process and make it more simple and more secure with PCB Investigator.
The CAD/CAM Software that we created is extremly easy to use and covers all areas of PCB developing. From PCB development to production, always one step ahead. See for yourself.


You are familiar with our Online Gerber Viewer or already using it? Well, then, you already know about the extensive import functionalities (e.g. Gerber or Excellon).
We are proud to offer you another Gerber Viewer with many additional functions: Our GerberLogix software solution! GerberLogix supplies you with the tools you really need!

Native Board Import as a link between electronics and mechanics
The NBI is the perfect solution for the frequently missing link between the world of electronics (2D/ECAD) and that of mechanics (3D/MCAD).


Quick Gerber274x-Render-Library for high resolution pictures up to 30.000 x 30.000 pixel in all formats including BMP, JPG, TIFF, PNG!

Displaying with Antialias is also available!

Develop or extend applications with an individually created CAD system - fast and with a focus on results.
Creating a new user interface and an improved user experience can be accomplished within a very short time.


With the free Gerber Viewer, you can load and visualize your files in Gerber274x and X2 format as well as Excellon1 and 2.
With its user-friendly interface, Online Gerber Viewer allows you to easily navigate through your PCB design.
You do not need to download or install anything to use Online Gerber Viewer to its full extent!


Create perfectly utilized production panels with the Panel Optimizer tool! Stop wasting expensive space and optimize the arrangement of your in-house panels for the final production!